June 8th, 2018
7:15 | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
7:50 | Welcome Dr. Thomas K. Waddell, Chair, Division of Thoracic Surgery, University of Toronto |
Morning Session I: Lung CancerChair: Marcelo Cypel |
8:00 | Clinical Trials in Immunotherapy for Lung Cancer in the Operative and Non-Operative Patient. Frances Shepherd |
8:20 | Endoscopic Treatment of Peripheral Lung Cancer. Kazuhiro Yasufuku |
8:40 | Review of the TNM 8th Edition: Cancer Staging – Practical Aspects for the Surgeon David Hwang |
9:00 | RJ Ginsberg Lecture Micro-lobectomy in the New Era of Thoracic Surgery Joel Dunning |
9:30 | Lung Cancer Tumor Board: Moderators: Andrew Pierre/Andrea Bezjak/Adrian Sacher Case 1: Stage IIIA Case 2: Oligometastases Case 3: High Risk Surgical Patient |
10:30 | Refreshment Break with Exhibitors |
Morning Session II: Esophageal CancerChair: Gail Darling |
10:50 | RD Henderson Lecture Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy or Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in the Curative Management of Esophageal and Junctional Adenocarcinoma – Picking a Winner. John Reynolds |
11:10 | Management of Barrett’s – 3 Letter Treatments: EMR, ESD, RFA – What Works? Jonathan C Yeung |
11:30 | Risk Factors for Esophageal Carcinoma in Barrett’s Esophagus John Reynolds |
11:50 | Esophageal Anastomotic Techniques: Pearls and Pitfalls Gail Darling |
12:10 | Case-Based Panel Discussion with Audience Participation All Speakers |
12:30 | Lunch |
Afternoon Session I: New Technology and Clinical TrialsChair: Shaf Keshavjee |
1:30 | FG Pearson Lecture Surgery for Myasthenia Gravis: State of the Art Josh Sonett |
2:00 | New Technologies in Thoracic Surgery: What is Coming? Joel Dunning |
2:20 | Combining Surgery and SBRT in the Treatment of Pulmonary Metastases Marcelo Cypel |
2:40 | Learning Robotic Surgery: What Does it Take? Tom Waddell |
3:00 | Case-Based Panel Discussion with Audience Participation All Speakers |
3:20 | Refreshment Break with Exhibitors |
3:50 |
Afternoon Session II: Interactive small group sessions
5:00 | Adjourn |
June 9th, 2018
7:30 | Continental Breakfast |
Morning Session I: Thymic MaliganciesChair: Marc De Perrot |
08:00 | Working Up the Patient with an Anterior Mediastinal Lesion Laura Donahoe |
08:20 | Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Thymic Tumors Marc de Perrot |
08:40 | Thymic Malignancies Should Always be Resected with Sternotomy: Pro Shaf Keshavjee |
09:00 | Thymic Malignancies should Always be Resected with Sternotomy: Con Josh Sonett |
09:20 | Case-Based Panel Discussion with Audience Participation |
09:50 | Refreshment Break with Exhibitors |
Morning Session II: Benign DiseasesChair: Tom Waddell |
10:20 | University of Toronto Lecture Surgery for Emphysema Joel Cooper |
10:50 | Ambulatory Management of Pleural Effusions Kasia Czarnecka |
11:10 | Update on Surgery for Pectus Chris Compeau |
11:30 | Chest wall stabilization techniques Michael Ko |
11:50 | Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Carmine Simone |
12:10 | Case-Based Panel Discussion with Audience Participation All Speakers |
13:00 | Special Luncheon Lecture: Training of Thoracic Surgeons Joel Cooper |
2:15 |
Afternoon Session IInteractive small group sessions
3:15 | Refreshment Break with Exhibitors |
Afternoon Session II: Afternoon at the Movies: How I do itChair: Kazuhiro Yasufuku |
3:45 | Video 1: Complex pulmonary sleeve resection (Joshua Sonett) |
4:00 | Video 2: Robotic sleeve resection (Joel Dunning) |
4:15 | Video 3: Trans-cervical VATS thymectomy (Shaf Keshavjee) |
4:30 | Video 4: NIR Imaging during Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery (Kazuhiro Yasufuku) |
4:50 | Evaluation and Adjourn |